First Baptist Starkville

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The Table

Ladies, how many women at FBC do you really know?  I don’t mean how many acquaintances you have here; what I mean is how many women at FBC Starkville do you know more about than just their first and last names and how many kids they have? I grew up in a small church of about 200 people – and that was on a packed Sunday. When I began attending FBC Starkville four years ago, I was overwhelmed by how large the congregation was. Along with a big church can come the difficulty of getting to know people on a more personal level. It is so important to get plugged in and to find places to build relationships with our sisters in Christ. As part of the Women’s Ministry Committee, I can honestly say that it is our heart to provide opportunities for just that – opportunities for women to come together, take a break from the rush of daily life, share, get to know one another, and hopefully build relationships that can continue past one event. 

This fall, on September 23rd, the FBC Women’s Ministry will be hosting a ladies’ dinner honoring new church members who have joined over the past year. We are calling this event The Table. Each member of our committee will host a table of guests. We will enjoy a delicious meal together and engage in conversation to get to know one another better. The night will also include music and a couple of testimonies. The event will begin at 6:00 pm and will be held in the Warehouse.  

One of my favorite authors, Shauna Neiquist, writes and speaks about how important life around the table is. She sees moments around the table as moments to laugh, cry, and share life together. Being around the table is an opportunity for you to relate to, encourage, give advice, take advice, and pour into another woman’s life. I agree so much with Shauna, and I think this is the perfect time for the women of FBC to make the most of life with each other. I hope you consider this event and make plans to join us this fall at The Table