Bless the Creative Learning Center


The CLC Angel Tree at FBC Starkville

Has God ever placed something or someone so heavily on your heart that you knew without a doubt you needed to act on it? Our very own church member, Kathryn Byrum, has a beautiful experience where God spoke to her and led her to do something she was completely unsure of, but she walked in obedience. God was faithful to guide her through it all because she said, "yes." Continue reading to gain insight on how the 'Bless the CLC' ministry came to fruition here at our church nearly 3 years ago, and I pray it encourages you as we enter this Christmas season. 

From Kathryn Byrum:

In the Book of Nehemiah, we are told that God gave Nehemiah ideas and put plans on his heart (Neh 7:5, 2:12). God did something quite similar to me in the fall of 2017. 

I was studying I & II Kings I believe, but was having a hard time staying focused. The Lord was speaking to me about something He wanted me to do. As much as I tried to suppress this, it would not go away. The Lord kept interrupting my Bible study with His plans, and I kept pushing Him to the side so I could focus on my study. I kept asking Him, "Would you please let me be so I can study Your Word?" He would not leave me alone, and I remember this kept going for weeks. Finally, one morning, I stopped reading and said out loud, "Okay, if this is really what You want me to do, I will do it. I have no idea how, and I don't know who to contact, but I am going to trust You." This was on a Wednesday. I was shocked at how quickly God moved after I submitted to His Voice. 

Throughout that day, I felt myself trying to take back control. My mind kept racing with thoughts like, "Who do I contact? Chip? Jason? How do I even find out how to reach them? Can I even email Chip? I may have to go through multiple levels to even reach him." There I went, trying to take back the reins. 

I kept moving along and took my kids to their Wednesday night activities at church. I tried to silence God's voice in my head and tried to carry on with the evening. After I dropped my children off, I headed to the Commons for coffee and to visit with anyone hanging around. I sat down at one of the tables, planning to enjoy my coffee and relax for the next hour or so. Funny enough, guess who showed up? Two people had joined me in the Commons at the table right next to me. The same two people I had been contemplating sending an email. God decided to place them right in front of me.  

God put a meeting on their calendar that they did not know existed. God did it for me. I was in such shock and disbelief at what my eyes were seeing. I knew this was God-ordained, and I knew I should obey and take this precious opportunity that He had given me. I let out a huge breath and was like, "Okay God, this is it, isn't it? Now please grant me the courage to approach them. Holy Spirit, please give me the words to speak to convey the vision you have given me."

I had seen an Angel Tree done before at another church where they too had a daycare. I saw how much of a blessing it was for the daycare workers and their children. I saw how it united the daycare center, the workers, and the church. God took what I saw, and He asked me to bring it to FBC and CLC.

Chip and Jason were excited about the idea and said, "Let's do it!" I was like, "Wait. It's late November. I don't think we can pull this off this year. I was kind of thinking 'let's work all year and get it going next year.'" Chip and Jason had another idea. They wanted to initiate the Angel Tree right then. So with their approval and push to get it going, I went to Delisha, Director of the CLC, and asked for her help. Delisha and I worked together to get the first-ever CLC Angel Tree off the ground. 

My goal was to get the angels on the tree by the first Sunday of December. With the help of several church members and my children, we succeeded. Right there in the Commons, covered in red angels, sat the idea God had given me just weeks before. I don't think I will ever forget that moment. 

But then there was a new fear, "What if the church does not think this is important and does not support this new mission? What about those mamas? Those children?" I looked down at my babies, I looked back at what the Lord had asked me to do, I asked my girls to hold hands with me, and we prayed. We thanked God for trusting us with this. We thanked God for providing the time, the people, and the encounters. We thanked God for our church. We told Him that we knew He had brought us here and that He had already handpicked the church members who would support this new mission. We prayed for those members. We told Him that we trusted Him to continue the work He asked us to start. We rested in His peace and let those fears go. 

I am in tears now as I finish up my thoughts on how this got started. I remember seeing the Angel Tree after the 8:30 service that first Sunday of December. Over half of the Angels were gone. And by the 11:00 service, there were just a handful of angels still hanging on the tree. I was overcome with joy and thanksgiving! He did it! God moved in our church and in me. I am most undeserving of being asked to do such a task for Him. But I am so thankful that He asked and was persistent. 

I later found out that Chip had been looking for a way to unite the church with the daycare center. He had asked during a board meeting that they pray that God would reveal a way for them to accomplish this. It was very soon after that I approached him and Jason about the Angel Tree. I was speechless when I found this out. It was like God just reaffirmed to me that I had heard Him.  Thank you, God, for choosing me to do this work for You. 

The CLC Angel Tree has now become a mission of FBC Starkville as we are going into our third year. I so look forward to seeing those red angels adorn the Christmas tree in the Commons. These angels represent the CLC daycare workers' children. The daycare workers' and their children's names will be given to us, along with a list of things their children need or want. We will take those gift ideas and decorate the tree in the Commons with paper angels bearing those needs and wants. We have even extended the gift-giving to include grocery store gift cards for the workers to help with food over the Christmas season and age-appropriate Bibles for each child. 

Please take time to pray for this upcoming season of giving, as we remember the greatest gift ever given to us.

"Every year, the CLC staff is abundantly blessed by the ministry of the CLC angel tree put on by the church. As a single parent, Christmas is very difficult and not having to worry about presents for my children has been an absolute blessing. Not only do my children receive toys, but they also receive coats, shoes, clothing, and bibles. Because of this, my little family has started a tradition volunteering our time in order to help those in need. My children also have a better understanding of the true meaning of Christmas. We are so thankful for all the church members who participate in helping our children feel extra special at Christmas." Melonie Cash, CLC staff member


"When I first heard of this ministry, I was quick to say, 'No, save it for a family that needs help buying items for Christmas. After it was explained to me, I saw it as an extraordinary blessing. My children were so excited about each gift, and I was able to explain the ministry to them and about God's goodness." Michelle Kilgore, CLC Assistant Director

Mary Todd Gordon