I love Bible drill!

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Children’s Bible Drill (grades 4-6) is a discipleship program that teaches the importance of studying and memorizing scripture. Bible Drill is an intentional way of helping children increase their knowledge of the Bible by:

  • developing skills in locating books of the Bible and key passages of scripture
  • memorizing the order and names of the books of the Bible in order
  • memorizing core Bible verses
  • learning to apply the Bible to their lives

Getting children excited about and comfortable with using the Bible lays a foundation for the study of God’s Word as they continue to grow. As God promises in Isaiah 55:11, His Word will reach beyond the written page, “…so My word that comes from My mouth will not return to Me empty, but it will accomplish what I please and will prosper in what I send it to do” (HCSB). As God’s Word emerges in the hearts of these youngsters, it impacts not only the children involved but the lives of their families and the community of churches as well.

I have been a Bible drill leader for the past 5 years. My first year helping with Bible drill was also my oldest son, Caleb's, first year to participate. Little did I know how much Caleb would rely on those verses when he was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease about one month after he competed in the State Bible Drill. 

Caleb had to endure many tests and bi-weekly injections which caused a lot of anxiety. Psalm 54:2 became a source of comfort for him and he would often say it repeatedly while I was giving him the injections: “God, hear my prayer; listen to the words of my mouth” (HCSB). 

When faced with difficult situations or decisions, memorized verses quickly come to mind to guide a person. I am a firm believer in the importance of Bible Drill for every young person and would encourage you to get involved. 

If you have young children, please consider participating next year. It does involve commitment and effort, but it yields eternal value! You can also volunteer your time. As we continue to grow, we need more people willing to step in and work with the children on a weekly basis. Finally, we need prayer warriors. For more specific information on how you can help, contact Leah Frances Eaton.

During the month of April, we will have approximately 21 children participate in the Church, Association, and State Bible Drills. They will come with nervousness in their eyes, Bibles clutched in their hands, and butterflies in their stomachs. This is the moment they have been working toward for several months. They will finally have the opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge of the Bible and their memory work. When they leave, they will have smiles on their faces, awards in their hands, and God’s Word in their hearts forever.

Upcoming Dates:

  • April 18 – Church Drill at FBC Starkville
  • April 22 – Association Drill at Calvary Baptist
  • April 26 – State Drill at FBC Starkville