FAQ's about 3rd Service

1. Why are we going to offer a 3rd service?
Simply put, the goal of the 3rd service is to reach new people for Christ.  If we were to reach new people during the school year, we wouldn’t have place for them to sit comfortably in the sanctuary. The standard rule of thumb is that when you are 80% full, you’re too full.  We are right at 80% capacity in the first service and well over 90% capacity in the second service.

2. Why not just do a satellite feed into the Warehouse Outreach Center?
The main reason we don’t think that’s a good idea is the cost of doing that well.  We would need major audio-visual upgrades in order to be able to do that at a comparable level to other churches who offer a satellite service.  Also, the Warehouse is used for Community Groups for youth and university students.  The timing of those activities and the change in set-up required would be very difficult to do.

3. Why not just do a 3rd service in between the two services we already have on Sunday mornings?
Parking. Even though we have made significant progress in securing better parking over the last few years, we are still at capacity during the school year. Adding a worship service in the middle would add to that pressure.

4. Why a 4:00 PM service?
We believe this gives us an opportunity to reach people who aren’t presently in church and it provides easy parking. Many young people today, including university students, are mobile on the weekends. From visiting family and friends to being involved in activities with their children, many people are just out of town on Sunday mornings—but they have to get back in the afternoon for work or school. Also, families with young children sometimes have a hard time getting started in the morning. This gives them an opportunity to sleep in, enjoy a family lunch, get the kids down for a nap, and be at worship before getting prepared for the week. Even for those of us who don’t have younger children anymore, those Saturday night MSU football games can be late, can’t they? In addition, many adults work on Sunday mornings and just can’t make a Sunday morning service. This gives them an opportunity to join a worship service.

5. Why will we do the service in the Warehouse Outreach Center?
Unfortunately, many unreached adults have a negative view of church. Though our Greek architecture is beautiful and we want to do what we can to preserve it, it can be an uncomfortable environment for others. The Warehouse is just a different environment altogether. We see that in our Sunday night studies where people just feel more relaxed. We want to achieve that atmosphere by having the 3rd service in there.

6. Will the 3rd service be different than the morning services?
The sermon will be the same in all three services.  Most of the music will be the same as well; however, because it will be in the Warehouse, different instruments are necessary. For instance, we can’t just take the organ down there. Therefore, though the music may be the same, it will have a different feel to it. Also in the 3rd service, we will place an emphasis on casual dress. Remember, our target is the unchurched. We don’t want anyone feeling out of place because they aren’t wearing a coat and tie.

7. Will there be anything for kids at 4:00 PM?
Remember, this is a 3rd FBC service so we will treat it as such. There will be activities for preschoolers in the Children’s Building, but children will be encouraged to attend the worship service with their parents. The exception is Children’s Church, which will be held monthly during all three services.

8. What about Community Groups for those who attend the 3rd service?
Providing community is part of our identity as a church as reflected in our mission statement.  Therefore, it is imperative that we offer Community Groups.  For the 3rd service, the Community Groups will be offered on Wednesday nights at 6PM.  The reason for Wednesday nights is that we have fantastic preschool and children’s ministries activities on those nights so parents can meet in their Community Groups while knowing that their children are having a great time learning God’s Word and meeting new friends. 

9. If we’re doing the 3rd service on Sundays at 4:00 PM, what does that do to our seasonal Sunday night studies?
Providing opportunities for growth and multi-generational connections is also a part of our identity and mission statement.  It’s also a big way for us to keep from being multiple churches on one campus.  Continuing these studies are incredibly important to us.  Therefore, we will still offer our seasonal Sunday night studies, but will move them to 5:30 PM.  That gives us a chance to finish the 3rd service and encourage those in attendance to stay. 

10. How can I help?
For one, pray that God will put all the pieces in place as He desires.  Also pray that He will begin working on the hearts of people who aren’t here yet to have a desire to try something new.  Secondly, help spread the word.  On Vision Sunday, August 6, we are going to give you a practical opportunity to do that as we will blitz neighborhoods all throughout the city hanging door hangers promoting the new service.  Finally, if this new opportunity to reach people interests you, commit to a semester and volunteer to serve.  We’ll need greeters, people helping with coffee stations, sound, lighting, and video operators, musicians, childcare workers, Community Group leaders, etc.  Let us know how you’re willing to help.

11. Why are you asking for me to commit to making the change by July 2?
The reason we want a commitment is to be able to prepare well.  For one, knowing who is coming will help us prepare for Community Groups and childcare.  Secondly, we want to begin a couple of meetings with those who are planning to come to really pray and ask God to help us reach new people.  This is a great opportunity, but will only be successful with God’s leading.

12. Do I have to commit to making this change permanently?
No.  We are only asking you to commit one semester.  You can then re-evaluate what’s best for you and your family.  The reason we’re asking for a semester is because we want to ensure that, as guests give us a try, there are FBC people that will be in the room looking to show them the love of Christ through a greeting and handshake.  Starting with a committed core group gives us a better chance to really evaluate the effectiveness of the new service.