Mission in Victoria, British Columbia

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Spring Break in Victoria has become the norm for me. Except for the year our daughter was born, I have not missed an FBC trip to Canada. Whether you fly into Vancouver Island or take the ferry, you quickly find a beautiful outdoor playground. You are no more than an hour or so from amazing hiking, biking, snow skiing, surfing, fishing, and whale watching. A lifetime of adventure exists on the island. Victoria is a very exciting place to visit. The downtown area from the shops down to the inner harbor mingles big city feel with the quaint nature of a small town. I love seeing the floatplanes come into the harbor terminal. Walking through the massive Beacon Hill Park offers beautiful landscaping and blooms around every corner. All this remembering now has me hungry thinking about fresh halibut fried to perfection at Red Fish Blue Fish and Eggs Benedict at The Blue Fox Café (put it on your bucket list).


These are all fun, memorable things about the city, but those aren’t the first things I consider when I think about our times in Victoria. What is it about our partnership with Canvas Church and Victoria that has me excited to go back year after year?

When I think about Victoria, I think about a first-grader named Emilio. Emilio was in my group during the first basketball camp we did in Victoria in 2014. He was not the most talented, but he always tried hard and paid attention more than most of his peers. Fast forward to the next spring doing a camp with Canvas Church. Ashley Austin was talking with me as people were arriving the second day, and he asked if I remembered Emilio. “Of course! He was my favorite camper last year.” Ashley shared that the 2014 basketball camp was Emilio’s first time to come to a Canvas Church event, and since then he had been to every camp they had put on. The best part was that his entire family had accepted Jesus as their Savior, had been baptized, and were now very involved in the life and ministry of the local church.


That is one of my big “ah-ha” moments in ministry. In the day-to-day activities of our basketball camp, it is easy to get focused on competition, teaching, and keeping kids in line, but as Henry Blackaby once said, “God is always at work around you.”  Praise God for using something like a basketball camp to open the door for an entire family to hear the love and hope of the gospel. All of them making Jesus the king of their lives sounds like something straight out of Acts. Each year, it is a joy to see this young man and his family as their smiling faces point me to the saving, grace-filled nature of God. The most fun thing is that there are more and more “Emilio” stories as the years go by.

Spring Break 2020 is one that will not be soon forgotten. My wife and daughter were supposed to join me and the team in Canada, but a few days before our team was to leave on Saturday, we found out that Lainey had the flu. When I called a few of our team members to explain the situation, they all had the same response: “We’ve got your back, whatever you need us to do!” I love that attitude, especially on a mission trip. I pray for that flexible attitude for myself and everyone else. We had person after person step up to prepare meals, grocery shop, and run errands.


One of my favorite parts of any mission trip is to worship with a local church in their particular setting. Over the years, we have joined Canvas Church in a hotel ballroom, a performing arts center, and a gym. This year, we joined with 200 others at a middle school for a wonderful time of worship, preaching, and fellowship. Little did we know that day, March 8, would be our last day to worship corporately until June 21.

The 2020 Victoria team had a great week. While it was not without its struggles with an emerging pandemic and travel issues, God was faithful to use us throughout the week. We had unity. We worked hard to be a blessing to Canvas Church and the Austin family. We didn’t get sick. I pray that God is working in the hearts of the parents and children connected to the basketball camp. I think about Emilio often and pray for more “Emilio” stories. God is impacting Vancouver Island through the Austin family and Canvas Church. Please pray that God continues to find favor with their work in and around Victoria.

Nathan Taylor