In this series, we're studying the final messages of Jesus. Below you’ll find notes and questions for reflection from sermons in our current series, Eternal Echoes.
+ March 17 - Come to the Fountain of Your Salvation
Luke 23:26-31
- What Jesus Did, He Did For You
- Zechariah 12:10 - 13:1
- You are the One Who Did This to Him
- Your Only Hope is to Follow Him
There is a fountain filled with blood Drawn from Immanuel's veins;
And sinners, plunged beneath that flood,
Lose all their guilty stains:
Lose all their guilty stains,
Lose all their guilty stains;
And sinners, plunged beneath that flood,
Lose all their guilty stains.
Table Talk
- How do you understand the cross?
- When Christ calls us to follow him, what does he mean?
- Simon was an innocent bystander caught up in the crucifixion scene; how do you think his life changed after encountering Jesus?
- The cross demonstrates God's love and wrath simultaneously; how do these facts shape how you understand God and yourself?
+ March 24 - He Came for Us
Luke 23:32-43
- To Forgive Our Sins
- To Promise a Forever With Him
Table Talk
- God shows us he is almighty in the death of Jesus. By death he conquerors the greatest enemy we have. How does his victory help you everyday?
- The story is not meant to make us pity Jesus but to show us how much our salvation cost. Do you realize the price of your salvation?
- All that Jesus does, he does for us. He needs nothing but gives everything. Does this truth help you hope in him?
- When you read your Bible, do you read it as a unified story that has Christ as the center?
+ March 31 - Get Used to the Resurrection
Luke 24:36-49
Get used to:
- Peace
- A New Reality
- Forgiveness
- Scripture
- A New Way of Life
Table Talk Questions
- How can the world have peace?
- Do you believe in the resurrection? If so, how do dead people come back to life?
- Since the Bible from Genesis to Revelation tells the story of Jesus, how should we appreciate the Bible?
- The church is rooted in Scripture and alive in mission. Is your experience in the church "rooted in Scripture and alive in mission?" If so, how? If not, why not?