First Baptist Starkville

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10 Date Night Ideas On A Budget

When Scott and I got married we were encouraged to read Dr. Gary Chapman’s, The Five Love Languages. We discovered that Scott is all about “words of affirmation” while I am an “acts of service/quality time” kind of girl. Although “acts of service” is my number one love language, quality time comes in at a close second. Before we had children, there was all the time in the world to have mid-week dinner dates, go see movies, and make weekend getaways. Now with three active boys added to our little family, quality time can be a challenge. Since having the boys, we have always tried to make sure that we are taking care of our relationship by spending time together. I know dates can get expensive, so listed below is a top ten list of the cheapest date nights in Starkville. 

And if you’re thinking “finding something cheap to do isn’t the problem, it’s finding a sitter,” have no fear. I have a solution! When Reed and Jake were much younger, Kenny and Katie Anthony would switch out babysitting with us. One month they would go on a date and the next month we would go on a date, and we would take turns watching each other’s children. All the kiddos loved it, and both couples needed a date night. I call that a win-win! I encourage you to find a couple that you love doing life with and switch with them for date nights. FBC members have played an integral part in our marriage, and this is a wonderful way to cultivate lasting relationships in your life as well. 


Take yourself on a date night to the grocery store and buy items for a fancy dinner. Be sure to shop the coupons on the Kroger app before you go to save those dollar bills. Go home and cook the fancy dinner and enjoy! If you don’t have a sitter, put the kiddos to bed early and have a later dinner.


When I walk into 929 I automatically feel fifteen years younger than I am. I love drinking coffee with Scott and just listening to how his day went. Be sure to take in your own coffee mug for a 10% discount.


I loveeeee a good movie date night. If you go on Tuesdays in Starkville, you can get into ANY movie for $5 a person. What a savings! Now, since I am writing for a church magazine, I am not convinced that this is the most honest idea ever, but if you’re feeling a snack attack coming on, stop by your local Dollar Tree for a snack and hide it in your purse.


Since our Kroger has been renovated, they have the cutest area to sit at and have lunch. On Wednesdays, select sushi is available for $5. Pair that with a salad from the fresh salad bar and you have a home run on a date and quality time with your spouse.


Keeping with the movie theme, get a cheap pizza and pick a movie out to watch together on Friday night. We always have family pizza night on Friday night and Scott and I will usually stay up and watch a movie together. These evenings don't require a sitter, and you get to stay in comfy pajamas!


I can’t tell you how much I love love love going out to the Noxubee Refuge. Pack a picnic and head on out for an adventure. There are a ton of picnic tables to have your lunch. After lunch, you can go on a hike, and follow it up with a possible alligator sighting. I love to use my Chick-fil-A points for this. Download their app and start building your points. You can save your points and redeem them for different foods. I like to swing through, use my points for an entrée, and take my sides from home with me. We are talking cheap, folks!


There are two things that I love: an organized calendar and dessert. Scott and I try to stay on top of keeping our calendars synced. What better way to do that than over a Snappy Turtle from Bop’s? Split that Snappy Turtle and enjoy planning your calendar together. This is a great way to set different goals for the month, quarter, or year. It also provides time for the two of you to dream together. 


I love going out for dinner. If going out for dinner were a love language, that would probably be first on the list for me. To me, it isn’t about the food, although that is a bonus. It is about the conversation. Scott and I have started sharing entrees. We have found that we tend to clean the plate if we have one each, and we really don’t need that much food. So not only are you cutting calories, you are saving money!


When City Bagel was a Starkville staple, Scott and I would go on breakfast dates most Saturday mornings (pre-kids). I still love a breakfast date, but those just don’t happen as often. My recommendation for a breakfast date would be The Breakfast Club. They have an entrée called the power wrap with a side of fresh fruit. It is so yummy and shareable. 


Our neighbors got us into geocaching. This is a great conversation starter, and a good way to find out if you would be good contestants for The Amazing Race. It is so much fun to load up and ride around town to find geocaches. But before you go, take that refillable coffee cup to 929 and get a cup of coffee for the ride. 

If I have learned anything since being married, it is being intentional about spending time together. It doesn’t have to be fancy or expensive, just be with one another and have those intentional conversations with one another! I love you dearly, church family, now who is ready for a double date? We can go in together and split a sitter. 

See what I did there, money saver!