2021 Graduates


One of the most important responsibilities of the local church is training up and praying for the next generation. We are their champions, and they are our future. Our church has the privilege of training up and sending both high school and college students, a blessing that many churches do not enjoy. In the following pages, you’ll read about some of those students, their hopes and dreams, their new careers, and how we can pray for them as a church family.

Will Burford
College Graduate

Will is staying in Starkville, MS, and pursuing a Master’s degree through Mississipi State University. Will has realized the importance of serving while at First Baptist Starkville. “I was honored to serve in roles in the youth and preschool ministries in the church, and I absolutely loved those experiences.” He’s learned that God provides us with opportunities to serve and grow in ways that we may not expect, and it’s our responsibility to step up and fill those needs when God presents them to us. Nathan Taylor, Adam and Amy Knight, and Michael Ball have had a significant impact on Will during his time here. Will’s dream is to be an educator and have an opportunity to be Christ-like in the classroom. He remarks that “teachers have a great responsibility as [both] educators and examples of what faith in Christ looks like.”

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Ashton Deweese
High School Graduate

Ashton will be attending Mississippi State University. Ashton learned from First Baptist that everyone is always welcome, no matter what age you are, the group you’re in, or the school you attend. She learned this, in part, through Amanda Tullos. Ashton remarked, “every time I see her, she always welcomes me with the biggest smile and hug! She always makes me feel so special and brightens my day.”

Charlie Guest
High School Graduate

Charlie will be attending Mississippi State University, majoring in Biomedical Engineering. While at First Baptist Starkville, Charlie learned how important it is to relate to other Christians through our struggles and that as one big family, we are much more alike than we realize. Of all the people that have been a part of his time here, Zach Depriest had the most significant impact on his life. Zach was a role model to Charlie, teaching him what it meant to live a Christian life. Charlie has asked that our church family pray for him to keep his priorities in order in his college years, staying focused on God and walking in the Christian faith during this season of his life.

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Anna Rives Gully
High School Graduate

Anna will attend Mississippi State University, majoring in Architecture. Anna has learned a lot while at First Baptist Starkville, but two things have stuck with her this year. First, “nothing worth doing is easy”, she says. She’s realized how important it is to persevere in the face of adversity. Second, she’s learned that our decisions determine the course of our lives, not our intentions. “We can intend to do something all day long, but it’s the decision we make that actually sets the course of our life.” One person, in particular, has been a blessing to Anna, Sarah Morgan Johnson. “She is such a genuine, kind, and encouraging person...and I’ve really appreciated having someone a few years older than me to talk about faith and life with!” Anna has asked that our church family pray for her to have a smooth transition to college and continue to have an opportunity to be a light for Christ in her college years.

CJ Hunter
College Graduate

CJ is moving to Collins, MS, beginning work at Sanderson Farms in their trainee program. While at First Baptist Starkville, CJ has learned that it takes a church to ensure a college student seeks community and uses their gifts to further the kingdom. Many in our church family have been a blessing to CJ; Nathan Taylor, Brad Smith, and Jason Coker, to name a few from College Bible Study. Specifically, Jimmy Richardson helped CJ get involved with the Celebration Choir, and Dr. Andy Brown has helped CJ determined where he should go after graduating. CJ is excited to begin work at Sanderson Farms. “I realized shortly after swapping my major to Poultry Science that someone, somewhere, is counting on me for their next meal. If I can use this to minister to others, I feel like I will have served my purpose.” CJ has requested that our church family pray for him to stay faithful to God, further the kingdom, and always consider his life steps with counsel and prayer. He remarks, “I will forever be thankful for you as a church and as family. I love you all – 1 Thessalonians 5:28.”

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Jillian Kelly
High School Graduate

Jillian will be attending Mississippi State University, majoring in instrumental music education with a concentration in oboe. She learned the importance of leadership and service while at First Baptist Starkville. While here, she had many opportunities to serve and was blown away by the impact that giving back had on her and learned much about the Christian faith and her relationship with God through Neil’s leadership. Her dream is to become a band director for a small, faith-based high school.

Micah McGee
High School Graduate

Micah will attend East Mississippi Community College, with plans to transfer to Mississippi State University and major in Computer Engineering. While at First Baptist, Micah learned humility. He remarked, “instead of praying for an easier life, I’ve prayed to be a strong man in Christ.” God has used Neil and Amanda’s leadership to help Micah understand his purpose and motivations in life. He dreams of applying his Computer Engineering degree to work for a large software company, helping to make the world a better place through technology.

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Olivia Moore
High School Graduate

Olivia will be attending the University of Mississippi, majoring in Journalism. During her time at First Baptist, Olivia was blessed by many in our church family, learning how important it is to be a part of a church with members of all ages. Specifically, the leadership of Neil and Amanda Tullos had a significant impact on her life. She has a dream of one day working for the SEC Network or even National Geographic.

Courtney Purvis
College Graduate

Courtney graduated from Mississippi State with a Bachelor’s degree of Arts in Communication with a concentration in Public Relations and is currently interviewing for a Public Relations job in Mississippi. One of the most important things she learned while at First Baptist Starkville was the importance of community and accountability. She remarks, “Without these two principles, it’s hard to grow in your Christian faith. First Baptist does such a great job with getting its members involved and in community.” One of the main ways she experienced community was in her D-Group, where she “learned more about what God has done for us as sinners, discussed hardships as well as victories, and was held accountable by my sisters in Christ.” During her time here, many members of our church family blessed Courtney, but one family in particular invested a significant amount of time into Courtney’s life, the Overstreets.

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“I met Katey and Kane on the Canada mission trip in 2019. Everyone on the trip loved getting to know not only Katey and Kane, but their kids as well. I realized on that trip how incredible this family was and was so excited to hear that they decided to lead a table group on Sundays in the college ministry. Over the past two years, they have invited me over for dinner countless times, just out of the goodness of their heart. We talked about school, family, Jesus, and everything in between. I am forever grateful for the example they constantly set for me and many others!” Courtney has asked that our church family pray for her to have peace as she searches for a job and navigates this changing season in her life.

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Dunnam Shirley
College Graduate

Dunnam has accepted a position teaching 8th Grade Science at Southeast Lauderdale Middle School. During his time at First Baptist Starkville, Dunnam learned, above all, that we should rest in the assurance of God’s provision. Dunnam says, “as long as my eyes are fixed on Jesus, the author and perfecter of my faith, things will work out for my good and His glory.” Nathan Taylor and his “older, wiser wisdom” has dramatically impacted Dunnam’s life over the last two years. He remarks, “[Nathan] has unashamedly proclaimed the Gospel and has offered opportunities for us, as college students, to build a Christian community.” This Christian community has remained a strong foundation and anchor for Dunnam during this season of his life. Dunnam has asked that our church family pray for him as he prepares to lead his classroom in the fall and for clarity on pursuing a Master’s degree after completing his first year of teaching.

Blake Smith
High School Graduate

Blake will be attending Mississippi State University. While at First Baptist Starkville, Blake learned the importance of surrounding himself with Christ-like people and was able to find a group of friends here to positively influence his life and his walk with Christ. Blake has been at First Baptist since the 7th grade, joining our youth group when Neil became our Youth Pastor. Neil’s messages have stuck with Blake through the years, and he remarks that Neil came into his life “at just the right time.” Though Blake is uncertain of what the future holds, he is certain that he’s ready to go wherever God leads.

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Joshua Rodgers