Ringing True

Photos by Joshua Rodgers

I don’t recall the first time I heard handbells played (I really wish I could though). I do remember them being played at my beloved alma mater, Blue Mountain College, and falling in love with the sound. That next semester I sat down with my advisor and had her add me to the Handbell Choir at BMC! I loved every minute of it and enjoyed performing around campus at special events. It is neat to reflect and see how the Lord was preparing me then for First Baptist Starkville’s Handbell Choir.


I joined our Handbell Choir two years ago and I was RUSTY! It is like I had forgotten how to count and keep up, but let me just say patience from our director and the other choir members certainly did not go unnoticed. If I missed an important note, all the conversations getting me on the right track were full of grace and encouragement. I have never felt more welcomed by a group in a really long time.

Recently, I was able to chat with the Handbell Director, Jackie Pruett about her love for Handbell Choir. It was so neat to see how God has used her and is still using her for His Glory through this ministry.

Jackie began playing handbells over 30 years ago at First Baptist Starkville. She learned to play handbells under the direction of Truitt Roberts, the music director at First Baptist Starkville at the time. She played for 10-12 years before she moved away to north Louisiana. When the Pruett’s came back to Starkville in 2008, she was able to join the handbell choir under the direction of Dr. Tom Jenkins. After playing for about a year, Tom asked her to become the director and she has been involved with this ministry for the last 13 years. This is what Jackie had to say about being part of the handbell choir:

“Ringing handbells gives me a new avenue for expressing praise to my Savior. It also allows us to lead others to worship through presenting hymns and praise songs in worship services. We have also ministered in other places outside of our church. We have rung at weddings, receptions, assisted living homes, and on Starkville Main Street, allowing others to hear music presented in a way that may be new to them. As we serve others, we are drawn closer to God. I believe God receives our music as an offering of praise. The handbell ministry allows me to stretch myself as I learn new techniques. 

The Mississippi Baptist Association offers festivals and training so that we can learn from others and experience ringing as part of a mass choir. Our handbell choir is a special group with whom I have formed great relationships.


We get to know each other and feel comfortable sharing our joys and hurts. We pray for one another and have become quite close with each other. Our handbell ministry allows me to get to know and love people whom I might otherwise never know. Yet, we find our commonality through Christ and music. We are always happy to welcome new people into our group and help them to feel confident in ringing and worshiping through handbells.”


What a glorious picture of what it looks like to serve in the local church! As I get older, I want to have a heart for serving like that. I was also able to chat with a couple of the choir members, and I was just so touched by what both of them said! Let me paint a couple of pictures for you so you will have a clear understanding of these two precious ladies in our Handbell Choir.

Toni Clements has played bells for about 40 years in three different churches. She says, “Handbells are such a beautiful way to spread God’s word. My husband says the sounds are just like heaven! I feel closer to Jesus and thank Him for the opportunity!” What a sweet testimony of God’s faithfulness in her life and for others around her to see. Toni is truly a treasure and an absolute joy to ring with.


Dana McKinney is also another seasoned bell ringer. Dana played handbells for her church when she was in high school. Now, 35 years later she is playing again and has been playing for First Baptist for about two years. Dana had a lot of thoughts about playing handbells that I was able to resonate with. She said, “God has taught me that everything I do, I should do for Him. When I play for Him, I know that He gets the glory and others are hearing the gospel!”

As I was working on the article, I kept going back to how thankful we are to be able to play in this choir. None of my conversations were based around experience or how well they were able to table damp a bell. 

The focus was on Jesus. The focus was on how thankful everyone is for the opportunity to serve our Lord through music. How they are able to worship our Sovereign Savior through ringing. What an encouragement that has been to me, and a witness that I pray I can carry.

So church family, are you looking for a place to serve? If so, we have a spot for you in the Handbell Choir! You might be thinking, “I can’t read music!” NO WORRIES! Or “I don’t understand when to ring my bell.” We have got you covered! If you can count and are determined, YOU are just what we are looking for! In the past, we have had ringers that have never played a single musical instrument in their lives, yet they became very skilled ringers. So, what are you waiting on? Join us! I do encourage you to pray about where the Lord will use you this upcoming year. While we have lots of different areas for people to serve, the Handbell Choir would love to have you. We practice at First Baptist every Tuesday evening from 5:30-6:30. Come and join us in serving First Baptist Starkville.

Lydia Edwards