First Baptist Starkville

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2021 Summer Reading List

CS Lewis once said, “We read to know we are not alone.” Another author said this, “To read is to fly: it is to soar to a point of vantage which gives a view over wide terrains of history, human variety, ideas, shared experience and the fruit of many inquiries.” 

The staff is happy to encourage your reading this summer by giving you a sampled list of books we either have read or intend to read. Many of you have asked about the books that I am reading. To answer these requests I have designated a section on my personal website called “On My Shelf” that gives a sample of books I either have read or am reading. I update this list on a regular basis.

Visit to access this and other resources by me.

If I may, let me encourage your reading by reminding you that reading is a unique gift of God. Consider this lengthy quote by Andrew Louth:

“The mode of being of literature has something unique and incomparable about it … There is nothing so strange and at the same time so demanding as the written word … The written word and what partakes of it - literature - is the intelligibility of mind transferred to the most alien medium. Nothing is so purely the trace of mind as writing, but also nothing is so dependent on the understanding mind. In its deciphering and interpretation a miracle takes place: the transformation of something strange and dead into a total simultaneity and familiarity. This is like nothing else that has come down to us from the past … a written tradition, when deciphered and read, is to such an extent pure mind that it speaks to us as if in the present. That is why the capacity to read, to understand what is written, is like a secret art, even magic that looses and binds us. In it time and space seem to be suspended. The man who is able to read what has been handed down in writing testifies to and achieves the sheer presence of the past.”

Enjoy your reading!



For the Kids:

Colorfull; Gracefull; Thoughtfull
Dorena Williamson

Colorfull is about two best friends celebrating their differences.
Gracefull is about sharing with those who are less fortunate.
Thoughtful talks about being kind to others with special needs.