First Word


Don't take anything for granted.

That's a phrase that I've been thinking about more and more as we approach the holiday season, even more so as we prepared this issue of Redefined. I've always been one to move on from things quickly. That may be a relocation, a project, or even friends at times. As I write this, it sounds cold, but it's really just a finely tuned ability to compartmentalize. (It still sounds cold…I know.) An unfortunate side effect of that is that I tend to pack away good things too, compartmentalizing experiences that should be remembered and cherished, forgetting how special they are. 

It's easy to take life for granted.

This month, we're telling stories about some of the precious things in life. You'll read about family, citizenship, and service. Our lives are tumultuous, full of great loss and great love, but you can choose to focus on the blessings. Gina Gentry says it best in her story, "We could choose to focus on the hardships, the loss, the life with disability and uncertainty but instead we choose to focus on the blessings. We choose joy."

As you approach this holiday season, choose joy. Look back and remember the blessings in your life, but also, consider the blessings you have that others do not. And if you are so moved, give back. On top of the stories we're sharing this month, we're also sharing some opportunities to give and serve this season. You'll read about the International Mission Board strategy and how you can be a part of their worldwide mission, the parking lot ministry at FBC and the work they do behind the scenes every week, and the Creative Learning Center (CLC) Angel Tree. The CLC Angel Tree is particularly special because, in a season that focuses so much on what we buy for ourselves, the Angel Tree focuses on giving to those in need.

Now, it's time for me to get out of the way and let these stories shine for themselves. Choose to cherish the precious things in your life. Choose to focus on the blessings. Choose joy.

Joshua Rodgers