Your Friendly Neighborhood PTO


By Lydia Edwards

When my oldest baby, Reed, went to school, I knew I wanted to be involved in our Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO). If you are unfamiliar with PTO, it is a volunteer organization in each school lead by parents or guardians to serve our administrators, teachers, and students. The PTO will help build gardens, supply a clothes closet at some of our local schools, help with teacher appreciation week, and lead fundraisers where all the money can go directly back into the schools. I have enjoyed my time in our schools because it gives me a chance to build relationships with teachers and students. One of the most encouraging things about working with our PTO is how open our local schools have been to parents. I have always walked into the schools and been welcomed with open arms. It truly has been a gift to be a part of such a difference-making team. 


With COVID-19 still looming around, our PTOs are having to make wise decisions about having intentional relationships with faculty and staff while still social distancing. We are also having to make hard financial decisions with our budgets. This will make an impact on how we are able to support students and classroom needs. It is likely that we will not be able to fundraise this year so our budgets will have to stretch into the 2021-2022 school year. All of this does give me hope though. Hope that even though we are nervous about moving forward in the schools, our God has a plan. Hope in knowing that our sweet Savior has gone before us and that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose (Romans 8:28). I think Lana Hamby, FBC member and long time PTO volunteer, sums it up the best, “We are excited for the start of school and a semblance of normalcy. Is that to say we aren’t apprehensive? Hardly. Every school year brings a nervous excitement. This year is different in that the nervous part is not just about having a good year in a new class with new friends. It is also about staying safe during a pandemic. This school year is going to look different regardless if a student is in person or virtual. It is a new kind of normal for everyone. We are all looking to find ways to support the students, school, staff, and administrators. Everything is new and we are all in this together.” 

I also feel that this is a time to be creative. That may look like congratulating a student via Zoom for a job well done, an old fashioned handwritten note of encouragement to the teachers to hang in there even on the hard days, or sending a little happy with my boys to let our leaders know that they are loved and appreciated. So, I ask for your help. I ask for your help in praying for all of the students in our community to stay healthy and safe. I ask for your help in praying specifically for all of the educators in our area to stay strong in everyday tasks, even if those tasks look different each day. Lastly, I ask you to join me in praying for our children, youth, and college students at First Baptist Starkville; that our families will be healthy and a light to our community.

Lydia Edwards